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A member registered Aug 07, 2017

Recent community posts

I just purchased this game for $20. It's very fun and I haven't had a chance to finish it yet. I could definitely see this concept expanded greatly with more quests, more dynamic relationships between characters and a lot of randomly generated events.

What I would like to see, and I think would make the community grow for this game would be being able to access the seed for a game in progress and to set the random seed for a new game as it is being created.

This would allow us to share crazy seeds and might even open the game up for competitions between players using the same seed. People could share seeds where, for example: the dragon and the tree king visit you on the first day and everything gets ruined right off the bat. Or maybe which seed saying "no" to everything gets you the farthest.

Hopefully this game is still under development. I would really like to see it get expanded further.